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Face Offs & Cheap Shots: Chapter 14


Will this night ever end?

I wonder if I can leave my credit card details at the bar so the guys can keep drinking while I slip away and drag Jacobs with me.

Just as I’m contemplating enduring the hour-long lecture from my father for racking up a giant bill that he pays for, a group of girls enter the bar.

Six of us. Four of them.

Perfect numbers by my count.

“Dibs,” I call and make my way out of the booth.

I feel Jacobs’s gaze on me the whole way across the room where the girls sit at an empty booth.

One of them scoffs. “Not even two minutes here.”

She’s a pretty brunette with bright green eyes, but she does nothing for me tonight.

I put on my most charming smile. “Hi, ladies. So, listen. See those guys over there?” I point my thumb behind me. “Any of you willing to take pity on my single friends? I desperately want to go home, and they won’t let me.”

The blonde one leans back to look around me. “You guys are the Colchester hockey team.”

“We sure are.”

“We’re doing a summer program at University of Vermont.”

I try not to screw up my face. First because UVM is our enemy, and secondly, that sounds kind of … underage-y. “Aww, any one of you could live out your own star-crossed lovers fantasy. One from CU, one from UVM. Cute, no?”

“Ooh, the scowly one is cute. Who’s that?” the second blonde says.

I look over and smile because that one’s coming home with me. “Taken. Sorry. It’s the other four. What’ll you have to drink? My treat.”

They each want a cocktail. Of course.

I go to the bar and order for them and then head back to our table. “Get this … they’re interested in you four. Sorry, Jacobs. They think you’re butt ugly.”

Surprise fills his eyes before he covers a smile. “Sure they do.”

“They must have horrible taste because they’re interested in this lot.” I wave my hand around the table. “They’re waiting for you guys to go over there.”

I’ve never seen four hockey players move faster which is saying a lot.

I grin at Jacobs. “Now, we’re free to leave.”

He stands. “See how resourceful you can be when you need to?”

We leave while the others are distracted, but I make sure to send all of them a text to check the girls’ IDs before taking any of them home. There’s my civic duty done for the night. Although, they’re in a bar, so they probably have fake IDs. Or maybe they really are UVM students.

It’s a fine line between playing wingman and getting my friends arrested it seems.

The walk back to the dorms is too far, and my dick complains.

“Are we there yet?” Oh wait, nope. That’s me complaining.

“You sound eager,” Jacobs says.

“Come on, you can’t tell me you haven’t been thinking about last night.” I step in line with him, our shoulders bumping. “Haven’t been reliving it over and over and over again, making practice painfully uncomfortable because your cup basically has the same effect as a cock cage.”

He eyes me. “How do you know what a cock cage feels like?”

“I’m fully kinky. BDSM. Whips, chains … ball gags.”

He eyes me skeptically.

“Okay, fine, I watch a lot of porn, okay?”

“More believable. Though the image of you with a ball gag in your mouth so you can’t talk is really appealing. Like … it might actually be the hottest thing my mind has ever conjured.”

I can’t deny that appeals to me too, but I’m a little too vulnerable admitting that to Jacobs of all people. “There are other ways to shut me up.”

Jacobs averts his gaze. “Walk faster.”

I snort.

Our steps increase, and because we’re us, it doesn’t take long to get competitive about it. We try to nudge each other out of the way. He pushes me behind him. I grab his arm and pull him back.

When we hit the steps of the dorm and push open the door, we’re laughing and not paying attention to our surroundings.

A figure steps out in front of us.

We jump apart, but it’s only one of the camp kids.

“Why are you out of bed?” I bark.

He flicks his gaze between us. “I thought you two hated each other.”

I clear my throat and look at Jacobs. “We do.”

Jacobs smiles. “Seriously.”

“So, why are you out of bed?” I ask again.

“I was hungry.” He holds up a bag of Doritos. “Vending machine.”

“Back to your room. Now.”

He takes the stairs, so we take the elevator. Leaning back against the wall, we’re both silent as the elevator takes a billion years to climb two floors.

The playfulness between us is gone now, and when the door opens to Jacobs’s floor, I hesitate to get out.

That is, until he holds the door open for me.

I push off the wall and smile at him. “For a second there, I thought you were doubting this.”

He grabs me by my shirt and pulls me toward his room. “Not doubting anything.”

I stumble after him, and we’ve barely made it inside before Jacobs pushes me against the wall.

His mouth is on mine a moment later, all hard and punishing, pushing his tongue in my mouth and making me groan.

It’s obvious he likes taking control, and as much as I love it, I can’t help wanting to take over and struggle against him.

I don’t care where we end up, only that we have to fight to get there.

I force him backward to the opposite side so I’m the one pinning him in place.

“That’s how it’s going to be tonight, is it?” Jacobs murmurs against my mouth.

Instead of answering him, I kiss him harder.

I’m too lost in his body and his mouth, the way he gives as much as he takes, to begin to get nervous about following through on all the blowjob talk.

I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t been curious in the past. Not, like, actually thought about going down on another guy but what it must be like for the girls who’ve done it to me.

It looks so hot from my angle, but I’ve wondered if it feels just as good.

Guess I’m about to find out.

My hands reach for the bulge in his shorts, and I rub my hand over his hard cock.

Jacobs shudders and pulls off my mouth, throwing his head back and leaning into my hand.

I flick the button on his shorts and lower the zipper. His bare cock springs free, and my gaze gets stuck on it. Swollen and desperate-looking, the reddish head leaks precum as I give him a stroke.


“Yup. I knew tonight was going to end this way. Less obstacles.”

“Who knew you were smart as well as good at hockey?”

That adorable frown line I love so much creases his forehead. “I feel like there could be a compliment in there somewhere, but I’m struggling to see it.”

I laugh and give his cock another hard stroke.

“Fuck, who cares,” he breathes. He closes the gap between us again and kisses me while I jerk him slow but firm.

I moan.

Our bodies are pressed against each other, and when I move my hand over him, I feel it on my cock through the material of my jeans.

I could come like this.

No. Hold out.

I can’t catch my breath.

I pull away from his mouth and try to get my body under control.

Ooh, idea.

“So, what are the stakes here?” I ask.

“Wha?” Jacobs is barely listening. He’s too busy rolling his hips and sliding his cock in and out of my hand.

“I bet I can make you come faster than you can get me off.”

Jacobs huffs. “Does everything have to be a competition with you?”

“Nope. That’s a Jacobs-specific thing.”

“Oh, now I feel special.”

“And I’m about to make you feel so fucking good.” I drop to my knees.

His shorts are around his ankles, his shirt still on. I lift the hem so I can get a good look at what I’m working with and let out a loud breath.

Anticipation and ego mix with my nerves at the sight of his cock. I’ve glanced at this thing a million times but never really took notice. It’s a lot more intimidating being eye to … eye with it.

Jacobs covers my hand on his dick with his own and moves it.

Oops. I might’ve stalled for a second.

“What, you scared? What happened to ‘it’s so small you can’t even see it’? Different story now it’s going down your—”

I cover the head with my mouth to shut him up.

It works.

Well, it changes the topic anyway.

“Holy fucking, shit fucking fuck.”

I’d chuckle if I wasn’t trying to concentrate so hard.

And, okay, it’s not as magically hot giving instead of receiving. It’s weird.

I’m conscious of my teeth and trying to take more in my mouth, breathing through my nose, and moving my hand on the part my mouth doesn’t cover.

But when I glance up at Jacobs through my lashes and see him staring down at me with hooded eyes, his lips parted while he tries to suck in air, and the way his chest heaves … okay, there’s the magic.

It’s just as hot from this angle.

As much as I want to explore and take my time, I have a bet to win. I suck him deeper but still not far enough. I might be too amateur for deep-throating yet.

So I think of what feels good for me and try to replicate it.

I swirl my tongue around the head of his cock, and a salty taste hits my tongue. Right direction, then.

I do that again and move my hand to cup his balls.

His cock is hard as steel and feels heavy in my mouth.

“Oh God. Oh fuck.” His hand flies into my hair and grips tight.


The more noise he makes, the more confidence I get, and I suck him as deep as I can.

“Beck …”

It’s not the first time my name’s been called out during sex, but the deep rasp of Jacobs’s voice makes it the hottest thing I’ve ever heard.

Beck.” His hand tightens, and when the first spurts of cum land in my mouth, I’m taken off guard.

Guess he was trying to warn me.

I swallow as much as I can, but there’s a lot. Or, it feels like a lot. I keep my mouth on him, but cum dribbles out the side and runs down my chin.

Eventually Jacobs stops trembling, and his hand releases from my hair.

As I stand, I wipe my mouth and smile smugly.

Jacobs laughs. “You’re so full of yourself.”

“It’s not being conceited if I have the goods to back it up.”

Jacobs reaches for my chin and leans in. “You missed a spot.” As he kisses his own cum off my skin, I almost lose my composure.

“Fuck, my turn.”

It’s Jacobs’s turn to be smug. He reaches for my shirt, while I go for my pants.

He gets rid of the rest of his clothes, and when we’re both naked, he pushes me toward his bed.

I sit on the edge, and he drops to his knees on the floor.

My dick sticks right up, needy and so ready. Any hope of Jacobs forgetting the bet goes out the window when he says, “Hmm, how long do you think I lasted?”

Shit. The pain in my jaw suggests a while. A lot longer than I think I’ll be able to hold out.

“I … uh … forgot to time it. Such a shame.”

He smiles. “I’m pretty sure I have a foolproof way of getting you off in under a minute … if you trust me.”

Do I trust him? On the ice, definitely. Off it? Not so much. Trust him with my dick in his mouth? That’s a lot to ask. But for some reason … I do. I want to know what he has planned.

I nod because I can’t find words.

But when he sucks his finger into his mouth, I’m suddenly not so sure.

“Wait …”

He huffs. “Trust, Beck. Pretend we’re playing hockey right now.”

“Dick hockey?”

“Hmm, I’m thinking more like ass hockey.”

“I don’t even know that means, but that might be … uh …”

“Too gay for you?’

“It’s not that.” Is it though? I haven’t freaked out yet, but maybe …

His gray eyes don’t leave mine as he lowers his head and licks over the slit in my cock.

I suck in a sharp breath.

The fucker grins. Then his mouth closes over my dick, and his finger presses against my ass.

I tense immediately, but he doesn’t do anything. His finger rests there, setting all the nerve endings on fire.

The scruff around his lips scrapes against my skin, giving a whole new sensation.

He sucks me into the warm heat of his mouth, and I suddenly forget about the finger lingering near my ass.

Instead, all I can concentrate on is the way Jacobs seems so much more seasoned at this than me.

“Are you sure you haven’t done this before?” I croak. “You’re so—”

He sucks harder and pushes his finger in.

I gasp.

Jacobs glances up at me, and all I can do is nod.

The dual sensation on my dick and in my ass is overwhelmingly powerful. It’s different and new, and I can’t think properly. All I can do is feel.

I thought I knew everything there was to sex. What I like. What I don’t like.

It turns out there’s a whole other playground back there I haven’t explored.

“Keep going,” I say.

All is forgotten about trying to outlast Jacobs, and as soon as he works his finger in, he reaches a spot inside me that make me erupt without warning.

“Oh, shit.” I convulse in his mouth, and he takes it all, apparently even better at swallowing than I am.

I need to up my gay game.

As he pulls off my dick and glances up at me, I know he’s about to gloat and be a sore winner.

I can’t make myself care, because I might’ve lost the bet, but I can’t exactly complain about getting the best blowjob of my life.


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